Bored with, troubled by, and still feeling affection for Quebec

I had a curious response to this week’s Quebec election. It went something like this: ambivalence and disinterest before the vote. Dismay and concern afterwards. “Let them separate,” was my comment to an expatriate Quebecker who I happened to be visiting in Alberta on the eve of the election (I know, it sounds like the … More Bored with, troubled by, and still feeling affection for Quebec

As uncomfortable as it may be, let’s have the debate

I have been writing this column for more than a decade.  It’s astounding on one level: 52 columns a year, with only two weeks missed, means I’ve filled this space with some 500 opinions. I write somewhere between 750 and 900 words every week.  That’s roughly 400,000 words that I’ve set down in print in … More As uncomfortable as it may be, let’s have the debate