As uncomfortable as it may be, let’s have the debate

I have been writing this column for more than a decade.  It’s astounding on one level: 52 columns a year, with only two weeks missed, means I’ve filled this space with some 500 opinions. I write somewhere between 750 and 900 words every week.  That’s roughly 400,000 words that I’ve set down in print in … More As uncomfortable as it may be, let’s have the debate

Sorting through the clutter of life’s random experiences

“Curiouser and curiouser,” said Alice, as life got larger and larger in Wonderland. It’s a phrase I quite like, and find myself muttering rather frequently, sometimes for big reasons, but mostly for small. Lately, I feel as if I have been collecting randomly interesting experiences, which I tuck away for future reference, hoping that, with … More Sorting through the clutter of life’s random experiences